Monday, October 8, 2007

let the truth come forth....

Why is it so hard for some to tell the truth? Do they think they are going to hurt someone's feelings, avoid getting into huge trouble, which i would expect from my 8 yr old, or even better Do they THINK they imopress another with their grosely hugely exagerated untruths??? Ok major run-on i know. But i am less than happy this moment. I just cant figure out why anyone unless they are avoiding a death sentence, would bother wasting their fucking breath lying to anyone. And usually about the stupidist, most rediculous things too. You lied about WHAT?? And WHY? Men say things bc they THINK that is what woman want to hear??? Oh yes we love itwhen men lie to us we LIVE for it. Who came up with that?? I would much rather have an honest, decent guy than one who lies and says what HE THINKS i want to hear! Fucking Marion Jones has to LIE about using Steriods??? If she would have just admitted the first time around things would be a whole lot different for her. Now she has totally ruined her reputation. ruined any future athletes innocence when they really are telling the truth. And lets not forget ALL the MILLIONS of people she played for fucking fools!!!! And the worst part is i hold anyone who lies to me even about the smallest stupidist shit thing. at the same standards as i now do MJ. Bc to me it is all the same. Crazy i know but it is . A lie is a lie. It doesnt matter.It all comes from the same selfish, dishonerable, morally corrupt place of thinking. And for you- to lie about the way you feel about me/us, time and time again EVEN AFTER I clearly questioned your behavior, your change in attitude etc you STILL FUCKING LIED TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! And why? I have no clue. Really, i dont care too. Bc whatever your reason for misleading me, it was selfish and I want nothing to do with it. It says a HELL of a lot more about a person if they stop themselves, admitted ?"yeah i could lie to you right now but you know what, i am not going too, it is not who i want to be or who i want you to think i am ". Way more honorable than anything else that actually did come out of that shit hole mouth of yours. But hey, my bad for thinking you could be anything but..........
Which leads me to my NEXT piss for t he day.. WHY do fall for this shit everytime?? And no I am NOT talking about just men here. We all lie. And personally this recent episode was fueled by no less than that of a WOMAN. Well if you could call her that! Had me fucking fooled for over a yr. Well i guess she is good at one thing- pathologically lying without excessive effort on her part. lol. be proud of that will you, bc you have nothing else going for you . NOTHING . Oh except that you have got to be the most DISGUSTING PIECE OF WHITE TRASH ON THE FUCKING PLANET!!! And that trailer park you live in- HA! It suits you right down to the seam that runs through the middle your living room...


Teebok said...

I'm always glad to get your messages haha...but I recently realized that I still have feelings for that girl...I don't know what to do :\ oh well...things'll work out I assume...but I would've given anything to see that one year mark and us being happy...haha...I'm pathetic

irayd8u said...

oh no you are not pathetic. I know what you are feeling. And athough it does get better with time, there are some people that we seem to have lingering thoughts/feelings about. I am sorry you are feeling poopy about your could-hve-been one yr mark, but try not to let it get to you anymore. You will have that major milestone with somoeone better. Just t hink of how she made you feel and how much you enjoyed feeling that way, well it is going to be ten times better with the "one" it is something to look forward too. Granted it still sucks but it will get better. And remember what you learned in that relationship that made it work and what didnt make it work. Use those things to your advantage next time. Woman are complex so the more you know the better armed you will be lol.

Teebok said...

I know but I miss having someone's just something I miss haha...I'll be over it soon!

Thanks for your encouragement though. I appreciate it!
